2013 Jim Sabo
Monica's goal in life is to live boldly, to spread light and to encourage those around her to do what makes them happy and free. She's come a long way from her beginnings as a thoroughly mid-western girl, growing up in Spring Valley, MN (pop. 2400).
At 17, she moved 800 miles to pursue two degrees (neither acting related) at Franciscan University of Steubenville, in charming eastern Ohio. After changing her major 5 or 6 times and going to class less and less, she realized she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life and 'took a semester off' which turned into 4 years. During those years she did a lot of writing, a bit of traveling, and a great deal of living. She got a couple tattoos. She had a few relationships. She learned a lot about who she was.
Eventually, as the universe would have it, she found herself in Memphis, TN. She moved to Memphis without a plan, but open to all possibilities. She kept writing, reviews and editorials for the Triangle Journal, an LGBT newspaper in Memphis. She transferred as many of her credits to the University of Memphis as she could and entered the Psychology program. She still needed a fine arts elective and on a whim chose Intro to Theatre. She had been on stage since age 6, but had never taken acting seriously as a career option. In 2007, she started to. She went through a period of much soul searching and many discussions with the faculty, who had a hard time believing that this twenty-something on the cusp of graduation actually wanted to dive into the uncertainty of being a professional artist. Monica had a hard time believing it too, but dive she did.
She earned her BFA in Performance Arts at the University of Memphis and interned at Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA. She can now swordfight, improv, and speak with a french accent. She can do Romeo's balcony monologue anytime, anywhere, blowing smoke rings the whole time. Just ask. She has shone on movie sets in California, Arizona, Tennessee, Minnesota, and has been honored with awards, nominations and scholarships from both community and educational adjudicators. She dabbles in modeling.
Monica moved to Los Angeles in September of 2010. Since becoming an Angeleno she has found love (sorry guys and gals), become a mom, adopted a gorgeous pitbull/lab named Phoebe, and now has both a favorite brunch spot and a favorite shortcut to the westside. She's smitten with her new home and has decided to stay. Since moving west, she has been carving her niche in the film world and has starred in several independent features. Her latest film "The Covenant" was released April 2017. She has several other features being released soon and will be shooting the webseries "Crazy in Love" in the summer. She is excited about the future, loves fresh pineapple and will not stop believing.
At 17, she moved 800 miles to pursue two degrees (neither acting related) at Franciscan University of Steubenville, in charming eastern Ohio. After changing her major 5 or 6 times and going to class less and less, she realized she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life and 'took a semester off' which turned into 4 years. During those years she did a lot of writing, a bit of traveling, and a great deal of living. She got a couple tattoos. She had a few relationships. She learned a lot about who she was.
Eventually, as the universe would have it, she found herself in Memphis, TN. She moved to Memphis without a plan, but open to all possibilities. She kept writing, reviews and editorials for the Triangle Journal, an LGBT newspaper in Memphis. She transferred as many of her credits to the University of Memphis as she could and entered the Psychology program. She still needed a fine arts elective and on a whim chose Intro to Theatre. She had been on stage since age 6, but had never taken acting seriously as a career option. In 2007, she started to. She went through a period of much soul searching and many discussions with the faculty, who had a hard time believing that this twenty-something on the cusp of graduation actually wanted to dive into the uncertainty of being a professional artist. Monica had a hard time believing it too, but dive she did.
She earned her BFA in Performance Arts at the University of Memphis and interned at Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA. She can now swordfight, improv, and speak with a french accent. She can do Romeo's balcony monologue anytime, anywhere, blowing smoke rings the whole time. Just ask. She has shone on movie sets in California, Arizona, Tennessee, Minnesota, and has been honored with awards, nominations and scholarships from both community and educational adjudicators. She dabbles in modeling.
Monica moved to Los Angeles in September of 2010. Since becoming an Angeleno she has found love (sorry guys and gals), become a mom, adopted a gorgeous pitbull/lab named Phoebe, and now has both a favorite brunch spot and a favorite shortcut to the westside. She's smitten with her new home and has decided to stay. Since moving west, she has been carving her niche in the film world and has starred in several independent features. Her latest film "The Covenant" was released April 2017. She has several other features being released soon and will be shooting the webseries "Crazy in Love" in the summer. She is excited about the future, loves fresh pineapple and will not stop believing.